Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 9, 2011

Link down bản Warcraft 1.24e không cần cài đặt

Đã update lên phiên bản mới nhất 1.24e
Download về máy giải nén ra là chơi được, không mất thời gian cài đặt  :D

Mình đã chia thành 6 part cho các bạn dễ download
Part 1     Part 2   Part 3

Part 4    Part 5    Part 6 

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Bleach vs One Piece v3.14b.w3x

Added 6 New Items
Fix the Model of Ichigo
Modes: -ar, -np, -hs, -ds, -nd, -n3, -n5, -ne, -ns, -nr, -fh, -sh, -nh, -sc, -bh, -nf, -nw, -bo, -oo, -so
Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 125x113
Recommended Players: Full House
Download:(Size: 6691.1 KB)
Bleach vs One Piece v3.14b.w3x
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Legion TD Mega 3.35 (beta12).w3x

Beta 10 : 23/09/2011
* Quick Fix for B9
* Race Balance
* 16,17,18 & 23,24,25,26,27 is harder.
Category: Tower Defense (Cooperative)
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 106x106
Recommended Players: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
Size: 1031.6 KB

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Reborn VS Naruto v1.3.w3x

by Nookaiser
Aos 3 way 29 hero
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 192x192
Recommended Players: 3team +

Download: (Size: 8152.9 KB)
Reborn VS Naruto v1.3.w3x
Reborn VS Naruto v1.3 test.w3x
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Divide and Fight v1.28.w3x

This map is Divide & fight v1.28
Present by 0T0.Lowji
Patch: 1.24eModes: -ap, -ar, -sh, -swap, -ms, -wtf, -test, -clear
Recommended Players: 2-4-6-8-10
Size: 4.3 MB

Divide and Fight v1.28.w3x
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9x Hero Defense VN 25/9 - 9xHeroDefenseVN_25_9_2011.w3x

9x Hero Defense VN Close Beta
By Vorse Raider
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 192x96
Playable Area: 180x84
Recommended Players: All players
Size: 6044.2 KB

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Anime x hero siege v2.35.w3x

This is deprotected version by losed
Category: Castle Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 96x224
Playable Area: 86x213
Recommended Players: By iosed
Size: 5313.8 KB

Anime x hero siege v2.34.w3x

Anime x hero siege v2.35.w3x

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Pyramid Escape v3.2

Pyramid Escape
Created by FriendlyWarlord
Map Info:
Complete 26 of 31 challenges to escape the pyramid!
- Up to 10 player cooperative play
- 31 unique and diverse challenges
(AoS, TD, Team Survival, and Many More...)
- The most challenges of any Pyramid Escape

Pyramid Escape v3.2
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Legion TD Mega 3.35 (beta8).w3x

Build towers to defend your team's King from attackers.
Each level, your towers become units and fight for you.
Harvest lumber with workers. Use lumber to buy summons to attack the other team and
increase your income. Lumber can also be used to upgrade your team's King's stats.
Defeat the enemy King to win.

 Legion TD Mega 3.35 (beta8).w3x

--- Game Mode ----
-ap : All Pick - All players can pick any race.
-ar : All Random - All players are given a random race.
-sd : Single Draft - All players are given 2 random races to choose.
-hp : Host Pick - host pick a race, every given same race as host.

-mm : Master Mind - Restricted vision on enemy's map and information.
-hg : Hour Glass - Receive gold for enemy leaks (that reach the King).
-gg : Get Gold - Receive gold from kills at middle (near king).
-cb : Change Builder - You can pay to change to a new builder.
-nm : No Middle - Creeps that reach the dark grass give no gold when killed.
-li : Limit Incomer - Pure income is disabled untill lvl10+.
-X3 : 3 Time - more creeps spawn

Combined mode (make mode shorter for Hostbot or player)
-gm = gg + mm
-gc = gg +cb
-gl = gg +li
-cl = cb +li
(hg & x3 is default, don't need to type)
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Skamigos Hero defense 1.31.w3x

Revamped my old skamigos hero defense, having cleaner triggers, better gameplay options, nicer terrain and more heroes with more custom spells to enjoy.

The game is easy, pick a hero, and defend the castle against 40 waves of creeps with a boss each 10 waves. Or is it?

Skamigos Hero defense 1.31.w3x
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Naruto World 2022 [BRA].w3x

Mapa Naruto Wold Criado Por: RAMC
Mapa Naruto World Editado Por: Pexe360
Category: Other
Tileset: Village
Dimensions: 256x256
Playable Area: 244x244
Recommended Players: 2-11
Size: 7788.2 KB

Naruto World 2022 [BRA].w3x
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9x Hero Defense VN 20/9 - 9xHeroDefenseVN_20_9_2011.w3x

9x Hero Defense VN Close Beta
By Vorse Raider
Category: Castle Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 192x96
Playable Area: 180x84
Recommended Players: All players

Size: 5363 KB

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Bleach vs One Piece v3.13a.w3x

by Kurogane
Added 6 New Items
Fix the Model of Ichigo
Modes: -ar, -np, -hs, -ds, -nd, -n3, -n5, -ne, -ns, -nr, -fh, -sh, -nh, -sc, -bh, -nf, -nw, -bo, -oo, -soCategory: Hero Arena
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 125x113
Recommended Players: Full House

Size: 7954.4 KB
 Bleach vs One Piece v3.13a.w3x
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Ultimate Dragonball V4.9c - UltimateDragonballV4.9c(p).w3x

by Avarize
Fight for Survival,Destruction or Power in the epic world of Dragonball!
Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 256x192
Playable Area: 244x180
Recommended Players: 8+

Size: 8179.2 KB
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AoES v. 1b.w3x

AoES is an AoS style map, similar to DotA, but also unique in its own way.

AoES v. 1b.w3x

About it
AoES (Age of Eternal Strife) is a game where you select a hero and fight alongside a flow of units. You must attempt to push through enemy lines and reach their base to wreak havoc. The goal is to take down the main fortress while defending your fortress.

There are currently 19 unique heroes. Each hero contains 5 spells: 4 spells (4 lvls) and 1 ultimate (3 lvls). Heroes will start with 2 skill points. Max hero level is 18. Most, if not all, abilities are customized. Hero descriptions provide important information, including attribute stats, ability descriptions, and a suggested playstyle.

There is a variety of items available that can make your hero strong, tough, rough, fast, and troublesome. For easier access, the more powerful items are categorized in Defense, Offense, Magical, and Miscellaneous. Unlike several other AoS maps, however, the recipe feature is non-existent. Without a recipe system, items are much easier to fully understand since there is no "hidden branching"--what it says is what you get. Their descriptions are fully informative and, yet, include a bit of comedy.


TeamPick (TP - default): Select a hero from your faction

TeamRandom (TR): Random a hero from your faction

AllPick (AP): Select any hero

AllRandom (AR): All players random any hero

OppositionPick (OP): Select a hero from the opposing faction

OppositionRandom (OR): Random a hero from the opposing faction

ExperienceMode (EM): Heroes gain 25% more experience than normal

GoldMode (EM): Players have increased income and gain 15% more bounty

NoSwap (NS): Swapping heroes with players becomes disabled

NoPowerup (NP): Runes become disabled

NoTrade (NT): Allies will not be able to trade items with eachother

DisableTeleporter (DT): Teleporters become disabled

EnableRebuild (ER): Factions will build Outer towers when they destroy an enemy Outer tower

Extra Game Modifiers

-Income ##: Sets everyone's income to some value (ie, 3.15) Only available after mode selection, but before waves start to spawn
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MoovMoov 3.19 Generation X

by Red|Beef
Join an epic battle to defend Moo Moo from the evil centaur raiders!
Note: Requires Multiplayers (LAN MODE)
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 116x116
Recommended Players: 3 - 6

Size: 4260.1 KB
MoovMoov 3.19 Generation X
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9x Hero Defense VN 15/9 - 9xHeroDefenseVN_15_9_2011.w3x

9x Hero Defense VN Close Beta
By Vorse Raider
Category: Castle Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 192x96
Playable Area: 180x84
Recommended Players: All players

Size: 5337.5 KB

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Anime x hero siege v2.33.w3x

This is deprotected version by losed
Category: Castle Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 96x224
Playable Area: 86x213
Recommended Players: 2-8

Anime x hero siege v2.33.w3x
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Diablo Defense Survival V5.12 - Diablo_Defense_5.12opt.w3x

by Rus|Verm - Map on a survival heroes. (RUS\ENG)
Author - Rus|Verm.
Assistant to author - Night.
Recommended game platform

Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 1-8

 Diablo Defense Survival V5.12 - Diablo_Defense_5.12opt.w3x
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Naruto Ninpou Shining 2.6.w3x

by SnC]Inugami
Naruto Ninpou on Gokage Summit Level.
Recommended Players: 3v3v3
Size: 8015 KB

Naruto Ninpou Shining 2.6.w3x
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9x Hero Defense VN 12/9 - 9xHeroDefenseVN_12_9_2011.w3x

9x Hero Defense VN Close Beta make By Vorse Raider(VietNam)
Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: All players

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F-Day Hero of Heroes

by TheManTime
-rs -gold -lumber -agi -str -int -kill -off -ow -cw -exp -random

Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 8 Heroes

F-Day Hero of Heroes 6

F-Day Hero of Heroes 7
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DotA Imba AI 3.79 - DotA_im_3.79.w3x

DotA IMBA (Chinese version)
imbalance in balance
Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 10

DotA Imba AI 3.79 - DotA_im_3.79.w3x
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Dota lod v6.69b v8c

Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Size: 7.84MB
Game mode: -sd or -sdak

Dota lod v6.69b v8c
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DotA v6.69b LoD v9 English.w3x

Choose 3 skills and 1 ultimate to combine into 1 unique hero in an epic battle to defend the Ancients.
Mode: -sd or -sdak

Download: 7.5 MB
DotA v6.69b LoD v9 English.w3x
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Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 9, 2011

DotA v6.71b AI Fun 2.6.w3x

List of Changes:

Added Ramza.
Added Old Raijin.
Fixed Batrider bug when used fly with shift.
Fixed Siglos' bug when Hex while He uses Reflect.
Fixed Berserker bug that caused not attacking allies.
Fixed Persuasive bug with chargeable items.
Fixed Most of Formless' bugs.
Fixed Pet Summoner's Critters duration bug.
Fixed Mana Fiend's HotKeys.
Inky can't target outside the Map.
Fixed Aghanims Scepter bugs.
Old Invoker can use Aghanims Scepter.
Fixed -repick bug when chosen a Fun hero.
Added -random fun.
Fixed Magic Hammer Recipe.
Added -funt , which blocks Fun Items and some Fun Heroes for Multiplayers Battles.

Now it has all the BuffMePlz heroes.
The map is not compressed because it would have had the phoenix bug.
Known Issues: Swindled AI Heroes sometimes drop items.
Puff sometimes has errors.

Download: 7.3 MB
DotA v6.71b AI Fun 2.6.w3x
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Garena master v84.02

Changelog: Version: 84.02 - [2011/09/23]
- Working on new Garena update.
- Added support to Garena Plus (Currently in BETA)
- Replaced Installer to Loader, that will check if you have needed packages and redirect your to download page case not.
- [Garena Client] New Feature: Room user limit increased from 225 to 235 - [Garena Plus] Features currently added: Host Hack, Name Spoofer, Map Hack, EXP Hack, Flood Hack, Disable protections, Remove 5s wait.
- PS 1: You can't disable any features of Garena Plus [Except Name Spoofer] (yet)
- PS 2: Not all features added to Garena Plus (yet)
- PS 3: I encrypted all gm files, maybe will cause false positives in your antivirus, just disable it or add gm to exception list.
- Fixed bug on loader, please download again...
- Another bug fixed on loader
- Fixed button "Exit" on garenamaster
- Fixed crash problem when you cannot access gm portal or version.ini to determine the current and latest version

Garena master v84.02
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Garena master v83.03

GarenaMaster is an Garena hack which removes all the restrictions from Garena gaming client. It has a lots offeatures including built-in Garena Exp hack, Drophack, NameSpoofer, Auto-room joiner etc. Also, you may use anyWarcraft 3 hack safely without any ban, you may use Cheat Engine too. GarenaMaster hack project was originally started by m4st3r and continued by DarkSupremo and Open|Fire but there are many people who contributed in it'sdevelopment.

Changelog: Version: 83.03 - [2011/09/11]
- GarenaMaster.NET Partially released!!
- Completly reworked the GarenaMaster.exe to C# instead of C++, now with multi language support!!
- Injector reworked and improved again!
- Added installer to GarenaMaster, that will install all dependencies if you don't have it yet (.NET Framework 4 and Visual C++ package)!
- PS: We are working to make GarenaMaster compatible with Garena Plus, soon we will have news about that!
- Added To Tray.
- Fixed many reported bugs, if you found any other bug, please report on forum!
- Emergency Fix

Garena master v83.03
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DotA Replay Manager 2.10

DotA Replay Manager is a tool for browsing Warcraft III replays with additional features for parsing DotA replays

* Explorer-like replay browser (tree view+list fiew) with functions for copy/paste/drag-and-drop, delete/rename and creating folders.
* Organize replays by folder or by date
* Auto-copying new replays (from LastReplay.w3g) and batch copying existing replays
* Replay search with a lot of options like game name, length, map version, player names and heroes
* Viewing replays directly from internet (if a URL is supplied)
* Displays a list of replays with statistics for player or hero

* DotA data is fully loaded from the map, so when a new version of DotA is released the program will automatically read the new data
* Displays extended game information and list of players with score, lane, item build
* Colored chat log with lots of game messages; search and filtering is supported
* Timeline view - displays *estimated* hero movement over time - an animated version of the replay with many features.
* Hero builds - skill and item orders
* Action charts - including different action types, group hotkeys used, and APM over time graph.
* Gold and experience timeline graphs
* Presentation tab - format the replay info in plain text mode, forum BB codes or HTML
* Shows hero pool for -rd/-cd and bans/picks for -cd/-cm
* Full action log with graphical information for in-depth replay analyzis

Size: 2.5 MB
DotA Replay Manager 2.10
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Dota ToolKit 3.3c

I bring to you the "Dota Tool Kit" by crisgon

Run as a administrator if you are having troubles.


-Mouse Wheel
-Skills , Selfcast and Autocast

-A quick and easy customkey generator (remember to check "Use customkeys" box)

-An easy and quick guide to some heroes (will add them constantly)

-Send messages
-Quick launch
-Some configurations for wc3 (widescreen adjustment, improve of fps , wc3 path , healthbars)
-Run wc3 on window with mouse capturer
-A quick explanation of my tool features

Dota ToolKit 3.3c
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War3HK Tool 5.0.5 - Hot Key DotA

Window Vista or Win7 may need Turn off User Account Control
All Function doesn't conflict with chat

Just desire your hotkey and play. Don't worry about chat

Here is funtions my tool support:
-/iTem Remap
support Alt + Q,A,S,....
support Funtion Key Ex: F1,F2,F3,......
Support Shift Queue for WheelUp,WheelDown,WeelMouse if you check Click Left Mouse box

-/ To use Tab Button You can open setting.ini and edit item7=Tab
Open my tool again you will see iTem slot numpad 7 will use tab key

Support Shift Queue if you check Click Left Mouse box

-/AutoCast & SelfCast
Enter HotKey skill of hero then check AutoCast or SelfCast
EX: Viper enter key C to Skill 1 HotKey then check AutoCast, in Game Double Press
key C
OmniKnight need set hotkey R then check SelfCast,in Game Double Press key R

-/Skill 5 and Skill 6 hotkey:
mode Invoker : move mouse to the icon then click left mouse (like normal skill)
mode Morphing : move mouse to the icon then click Right mouse (like AutoCast skill)

-/Quick Message
Add Prefix : "ALL:" to send message for All People
Default Will Send Message for Allies

-/Quick Launch:
Faster to run other app Y need to use with WarCraft III : Garena,Ghost Bot,...
Press "..." button to set link of your app
Press "Launch" button to run it

-/WinDow Mode
Lock mouse cursor to WarCraft III window
Just simple press Alt + Tab to unclip cursor in WarCraft III window

-/Disable Left WinDow Key

-/Use very less memory of Ram about ~1,0mb to ~2 mb

-/Only 1 file and verry small

PS: Close ("X") Button same as "Run" Button. it will active your hotkey and hide in
system Tray

+ Hot Key Inventory DotA

+ Hot Key Map DotA OMG, LOD

Download: (242.23KB)
War3HK Tool 5.0.5 - Hot Key DotA
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Garena auto join 4.6.4

Garena Auto-Joiner is an Auto-Join program (also known as the Auto-Click) to Garena. It helps you enter the room faster and easier. At this point, hbm Garena Auto-Joiner is a program auto-join the world's best Garena. Auto-Joiner has two main features: Automatically and Diversity .

Auto- Join: Garena automatically join the room without waiting 5 seconds. You can minimize Garena and do their work.
Auto Trace: Automatic trace you without waiting for 5 seconds. You can minimize Garena and do their work.
AutomaticDetection: Automatic detection of Garena offset so that Auto-Joiner can patch all versions Garena.
Auto Run: Automatically runs the program with Auto-Joiner.
AutomaticallyUpdated: Automatic updates Auto-Joiner latest version.

Multiple Choice: Auto-Joiner allows you to select more than one room to join.
MultipleLanguages: Auto-Joiner has 19 languages ​​to choose from.

Download: (623 KB)
Garena auto join 4.6.4
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